El presidente de Zimbabue compara a la OTAN con una organización terrorista

EUROPA PRESS 08/08/2011 20:46

El presidente de Zimbabue, Robert Mugabe, ha comparado, este lunes, a la OTAN con una organización terrorista en la conmemoración por el Día de los Héroes. Dirigiéndose a los presentes en los festejos ha calificado a los europeos de "locos" y ha comparado a la OTAN con Al Qaeda y los talibán.

Mugabe ha agregado que Occidente rechaza la verdad y viola el derecho internacional al interferir en los asuntos de Zimbabue y atacar militarmente a Libia. Este operativo, ha dicho, se trata de un complot para matar al líder de Trípoli, Muamar Gaddafi.

"Por eso digo que la OTAN es una organización terrorista y si desafía el derecho internacional ha perdido su legitimidad" ha declarado el presidente.

Mugabe ha dicho que en el pasado el primer ministro, Morgan Tsvangirai, pidió la imposición de sanciones tanto para él como para los principales funcionarios del ZANU-PF, y que las personas que habían pedido sanciones a los países europeos deberían retirar dichas solicitudes tras lo ocurrido.

Reino Unido ha sido también objetivo de los ataques del presidente que ha amenazado con perjudicar a las más de 400 empresas británicas si continúan con la explotación de recursos del país, según el periódico 'The Zimbabwean'.

President Robert Mugabe on Monday likened the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) to terrorist organisations, Al Qaeda and the Taliban for the bombing of Libya which he said was a plot to kill Tripoli's leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

Mugabe was addressing ordinary people at the National Heroes acre to commemorate Heroes day. He called Europeans "mad" people for interfering in Zimbabwe's affairs and attacking Libya militarily adding that the West rejects the truth and violates international law.

"So you get mad people in Europe. Mad people who refuse and reject the truth, mad people who defy international law. Look at what they are doing in Libya; it is NATO against international law. They seek to kill Gaddafi. They have in fact deliberately killed some of his children," Mugabe said.

"That's why I say NATO is now a terrorist organisation as well. If it defies international law. It has lost its legitimacy; it has become terrorist and beware this they can do on any other African country than Libya. We must always be in a state of preparedness."

Mugabe in a veiled attack to Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said those people who have called for sanctions to be imposed on the country must make the European countries remove them. Mugabe has said in the past Tsvangirai called for the imposition of sanctions on him and top Zanu (PF) officials.

In his usual attack of Britain, Mugabe threatened to 'ill-treat' over 400 British owned companies because the former colonial master is still exploiting the country's resources through various companies such as Rio Tinto.

"We will have to discriminate against countries that have imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe. Why a company that belongs to Britain should be allowed to continue to mine our gold in this country, for example Rio Tinto," Mugabe said.

Meanwhile, thousands of people including Tsvangirai attended the burial of Public Service Minister, Professor Eliphas Mukonoweshuro at the Warren Hills cemetery in the capital Harare. Tsvangirai and his top officials did not attend the Heroes commemorations at the national Heroes Acre.

Tsvangirai addressing mourners said; "I feel very heartbroken as Mukonoweshuro was one of Zimbabwe's finest sons."

"Today is the National Heroes' Day, a day to commemorate those who fought to free Zimbabwe and it is befitting that today we are burying a distinct person. A person who showed commitment, courage and had a vision not only for the community but the whole nation."

Mukonoweshuro was born on 22 June 1953 at Gutu Mission Hospital. He did his primary at Gutu primary school and went to Zimuto and Tekwane for his secondary education.

In 1973 he went to the University of Zimbabwe but was arrested for student activism. He was detained for 14 months at Kadoma Prison. On his release, Professor Mukonweshuro left the country through Botswana for the United Kingdom.

In the UK, he studied for Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees before attaining a PhD in Political Science.